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Manicure On The Go + Glass of prosecco
The Cat's Manicure
Shellac Manicure
Paradiso Manicure
The Cat's Pedicure
Shellac Pedicure
Cat's Manicure + A glass of PROSECCO
The Cat's Shellac Pedicure
Paradiso Pedicure
Cat's Pedicure + A glass of PROSECCO
Paradiso Manicure + A glass of PROSECCO
Cats Shellac Manicure + A glass of PROSECCO
Paradiso Shellac Manicure
Cat's Shellac Pedicure + A glass of PROSECCO
Paradiso Shellac Pedicure
Cat's Mani & Pedi
Shellac Mani & Pedi
Shellac Mani + Cat's Shellac Pedi
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